What are the Differences Between Moles & Voles?

Help, I’ve Got Trails In My Yard!

As the snow gradually melts away here in the northern U.S., we’re getting increased calls for Vole control. Often confused with moles, these rodents are entirely different.

Mole Tunnels
A mole tunnels underground, lifting the soil upwards and making your yard “squishy” when you walk on it.

Vole Tunnels
Voles tunnel under the snow pack in winter, but remain above ground and create those “highways” in the grass you see when it melts. They consume that grass and also use it to build nests.

If you’ve discovered critters in your yard, Call 1-(800) 274-8837

Vole Lawn Damage
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Mole Lawn Damage
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Mole removal

Vole removal

Vole Image Credits – Purdue University

Mole Image Credits – Kenneth Catania, Vanderbilt University

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