Unexpected noises coming from the attic are a sure sign that you have unwelcome guests in your home. Whether you hear chirping or scurrying, there are plenty of possible culprits. But you’ll want to find out exactly who is making their new home upstairs to create a removal strategy.

Animal in Attic Removal Process

The most effective means of animal in attic control is exclusions. Attic spaces provide safety and shelter for different types of animals. Before you can seal your house, you need to remove the animals from the attic. That could include deterrents, traps, and one-way valves. The experts at Critter Control can match the appropriate animal in the attic removal technique with the wildlife species.

The Most Common Animals in Attic

Squirrels and raccoons are the most common animal Critter Control removes from attics. Nearly 40% of the nuisance wildlife in attics are squirrels and raccoons. Bats, rats, and mice are the other most common animals.

Squirrel in Attic Removal

One-way doors and live traps are the most effective way to get squirrels out of an attic.

Raccoon in Attic Removal

Live raccoon traps are the best way to catch and remove a raccoon from the attic. If babies are present, raccoon eviction spray might work. If not, you can safely hand-remove the juveniles.

Bats in Attic Removal

The most humane bat removal from the attic technique is to install a bat valve when no pups are present.

Rodents in Attic Removal

Rats and mice can reproduce at an astounding rate. To get rid of rodents in the attic, you need to control the population with strategic trapping. Place traps where you see rodent activity like droppings, runways, and rodent entrances. Rat trapping or mice trapping takes between five to fourteen days.

Birds in Attic Removal

The most common birds to nest inside an attic are pigeons, barn swallows, European starlings, house finches, and house sparrows. Bird traps in the attic are not effective. Bird valves allow the birds to leave but prevent their re-entry.

Other Types of Animals in Attics

Attics provide the resources that can attract different types of animals. Critter Control has removed flying squirrels, snakes, opossums, birds, foxes, and bobcats from attics.

Flying Squirrels in Attic Removal

Flying squirrels are skittish and want to avoid conflict. Deterrents like motion-detecting sprinklers or radios can work. Trapping flying squirrels can take weeks or months, depending on how many colonize your property.

Snakes in Attic Removal

Some snakes can climb! Snakes cannot create their own entry point but can find gaps to get into the attic. Snake traps or a snake pole are two methods Critter Control uses to get snakes out of the attic.

Opossums in Attic Removal

Opossums are skilled climbers and can easily gain access to your roof. Cage traps secure inside attics will catch an opossum.

Foxes in Attic Removal

Foxes are solitary and stealthy critters. They usually avoid homes. However, they are adept climbers and can get onto your roof. The availability of food and shelter can draw a fox into your attic. Critter Control gets rid of the fox in your attic by installing exclusions when the foxes leave or using a coil or wire mesh cages.

Bobcats in Attic Removal

Bobcats avoid people, and it is rare for a bobcat to nest in urban settings. Some Critter Control locations have seen bobcats in attics. In Arizona, Critter Control traps the bobcats and relocates them back to the wilderness.

Animal in Attic Exclusion

The best strategy to remove animals from your attic will depend on the type of animal.

Long-term solutions mean stopping animals from entering your attic. Animals have found resources to satisfy your needs. You need to make your home less attractive to animals. You can limit food sources outside. Remove areas of shelter like rock piles. Prune trees near your house so climbers cannot gain easy access to your roof.

The most important thing to do is seal and repair all entry points. Before you seal your home, you need to make sure all nuisance wildlife animals are out. Sealing an animal in your house leads to new animal problems. A trapped animal in your house will either find a new way out or slowly starve.

Animal Entry Points

Animals will either find an entry point or create one. Typically, entry holes can be found in the eaves, roof shingles, roof vents, fascia, or soffit. Depending on the type of animal, the hole may be very small. Small rodents may only need the hole to be a quarter-inch wide!

Signs of Animal in Attics

You will rarely see the animal in your attic, but you will notice it. It can be hard to ignore an animal in your attic. The majority of people call Critter Control because they hear strange noises in their attic. The next most recognized sign of an animal in the attic is strange odors.

Typical animal noises in the attic happen early morning or late at night and include squeaking, gnawing, scampering, fluttering, whining, or thumping.

Animal droppings and urine create strong odors and can stain your walls and ceiling.

Beyond waste and noises, any damage is another way to confirm that a critter is living in your attic. There might be damage to the drywall, insulation, or wiring Frayed electrical wires are a significant fire hazard.

Animal in Attic Problems

If an animal has been living in your attic, it has damaged it. Damage can include contaminated insulation, destroyed insulation, or damaged air ducts.

An animal in your attic also introduces health risks like histoplasmosis, leptospirosis, and ectoparasites like fleas, ticks, and mites into your home

Animals contaminate the insulation with their feces. Animal droppings from bats and birds can spread histoplasmosis. Baylisascaris procyonis (raccoon roundworm) spread through raccoon poop.

Animal in Attic Removal

However, if you have a sneaking suspicion that noises are coming from an animal, you are probably right. Listen to your gut and call a Critter Control wildlife specialist before infestation, damage, or breeding occurs. These professionals have the experience and training to tackle any wildlife removal scenario. They will keep your loved ones safe while also treating animals humanely in the removal process, 100% guarantee.

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Animal in Attic Frequently Asked Questions

how much does animal in attic removal cost?

Several factors determine the cost of animals in the attic removal and services required. Pricing will change depending on the pest animal, amount of animals, repair costs, and clean-up services. Generally speaking, pricing will vary by location and species for just the animal removal and that pricing usually does not include the entry repair.

who should I call for animal removal?

Call a licensed wildlife control operator for animal removal services.

Exterminators and wildlife control operators both provide pest management and pest control. While sharing the common goal of keeping human dwellings free of pests, there are key differences between the two. Exterminators approach pest problems to kill offenders via the controlled application of toxic chemicals. Wildlife control operators can provide extermination services in addition to animal trapping and exclusions. 

Is there a time of year when animals are more likely to enter attics?

Animals enter attics looking for a safe place to give birth. Typically when the weather starts to warm up in the spring, mammals give birth. The kind of animal will determine what time of year it will enter your attic.

What animals will enter my attic during the winter months?

In colder climates, animals will use attics as shelter during the cold winter months. In some locations in the Northeast, bats will hibernate in attics.

What happens if a dead animal is in my attic?

If you find a dead animal in your attic, you need to safely remove it. Dead animals introduce diseases to your house. Call a professional to remove the dead animal.

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