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Wildlife Removal & Pest Control

Wildlife becomes a pest when animals start damaging your property or pose a threat to you and your family. Animals can access houses and building in different, hard to reach locations. They cause damage and potentially spread diseases. Critter Control technicians have the experience and training to find the nuisance wildlife, trap and remove the pest animal safely, and install wildlife exclusions for long-term pest control.
Chimneys represent the single largest opening in your home. Birds, squirrels and raccoons will nest in unprotected chimneys. We can protect your home with professionally installed chimney caps.
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Soffits, Eaves and Dormer Gaps
These locations provide easy entry points for birds, bats, mice, rats, squirrels and raccoons. Let us inspect your home for these entrance gaps and seal them tight, to provide long term wildlife control.
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Doors and Windows
Improperly fitted or damaged door sills provide easy entrance for mice, rats, snakes and other small critters. Gaps along windows also can allow entry and bats love to nest behind shutters. Let us find and fix these entrance points in your home.
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Lawns and Gardens
Is an animal digging up your yard or garden? Raccoons, armadillos, skunks moles, groundhogs, gophers, and chipmunks are common pest animals in the yard. Wildlife control requires strategy and experience. Call Critter Control to get rid of animals destroying your yard.
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Dormer and Gable Vents
These vents are favorites for bats, birds, squirrels and raccoons. Bats will rest behind the slats. Birds will build nests in them and raccoons and squirrels will simply push through the slats, through the thin screen behind them, and enter your attic. Let us secure these for you.
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Bathroom / Dryer / Range Hood
Birds, squirrels, bats and even snakes are frequently found in these vents. Properly installed vent covers will keep these animals out. Trust Critter Control for animal removal and exclusions installation.
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Attic Vents
A flimsy piece of screen in most attic vents is all that stands between your attic and animals like squirrels, rats, and bats. Birds will build nests in attic vents. Raccoons frequently pop these right off your roof to gain access to your home. These animals gain access to your attic via attic vents. Trapping is usually required to remove the animals. Exclusions for wildlife control include roof vent guards.
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Decks and Porches
Decks and porches provide protection from the elements for wildlife like raccoons, woodchucks (a.k.a groundhogs), skunks, opossums, and armadillos. Animal trapping can get the animals out, and installed barriers are the most effective wildlife control.
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Autumun Common Pests and Nuisance Wildlife

Squirrels are a common pest in the fall. Female squirrels typically have two litters that contain an average of two to four young. Litters are usually born in early spring and late summer to early autumn. Squirrels build nests to give birth in the attic, gutter, and chimneys. Early morning sounds are a clear sign you have a nuisance squirrel problem.


Bat season is here, and we can safely remove bat maternity colonies. Now that juvenile bats can fly on their own, we can install a bat vale  to let all the bats roosting in your attic evict themselves. Bats roost in attics, chimneys, behind siding, and barn rafters because they offer a dark, dry space where they can safely give birth to their young. States have specific laws and regulations when you can install complete an excluder valve for bat removal. Regardless of the time, we can get started on your bat problem to minimize the damage caused in attics, walls, and chimneys.


Learn more About Bats
wasp identification
Wasps & Hornets

Stinging insects like  wasps, yellow jackets, bees, and hornets are still a big pest problem. Wasps become more aggressive  in August and September.  When these insects feel threatened they are known to sting. Stinging insects build nests or hives in protected areas and if those protected areas are on your home, under the porch, near doors, or inside the walls or ceilings, the risk for stings increases. Our experts swiftly identify and safely remove nests from your property, employing environmentally friendly methods to prevent future infestations. We specialize in handling wasps, hornets, and bees, offering tailored solutions that include wasp nest or beehive removal and clean-up.

Stinging Insect Control
Rats & Mice

Rodents like rats and mice are some of the most destructive pests. They infest attics, wall cavities, kitchens, crawlspaces, basements, and under your deck,  Rodents contaminate food, damage houses, and spread diseases. Critter Control specializes in rodent control and removal.

Learn More About Rodents

Raccoons are very strong and intelligent, equipped with thumb-like digits on their paws, allowing them to create more damage than a homeowner might expect. They can rip up a wide variety of materials inside and outside your home. As autumn comes around and the weather cools, raccoons sense the change in temperature and seek out a warm, safe place to nest. If they identify your home as an optimal place to spend the winter, they may attempt to enter it through various different areas until they find one that works out for them; they possess the strength, intelligence and tenacity to keep trying until they succeed.

Raccoon Removal

As temperature gets cooler, opossums prepare for winter by looking for shelter and foraging for food. Opossums start looking for warm places to nest. This can lead them to invade homes, garages, attics, and other structures. They may tear up insulation, wiring, and other materials in the process. Autumn is a time when food sources in the wild begin to dwindle. Opossums may become more aggressive in their search for food, leading them to raid garbage cans, pet food, gardens, and other human food sources.

Learn More About Opossum Control
Wildlife Removal

Nuisance wildlife problems can affect anyone, any home, any business. You will notice signs of a nusiance wildlife. Usually, the first signs of an animal infestation are strange noises and pungent odors. Unwelcome wildlife is more than a simple nuisance. Not only will wild animals impact your day-to-day life, but they also cause damage to your home and spread diseases to you and your family.

Wildlife like raccoons, bats, squirrels, snakes, and birds find safe places to create dens and nests in your home. These animals tend to avoid people and stay in uninhabited areas of your home like attics, wall voids, chimneys, and crawlspaces.

The most effective wildlife control is whole home exclusions. A full home exclusion creates a barrier that prevents animals from entering or re-entering your home. Exclusions provide long-term and safe solutions to keep an animal out. We seal all types of entry points like plumbing stacks, gable vents, ridge vents, crawlspace vents, and roof returns. In addition, Critter Control offers warranties on full home exclusions (some geographic restrictions apply).

The habitat around your home plays a big role in an animal’s decision to make your home it’s own. Animals love a good nesting space, and brush/debris on the ground level makes a great nest while tree limbs that give animals access to your roof make for a great highway to your attic. You can help prevent animal entry by trimming limbs and keeping your yard debris free.

Wildlife Removal Services

You should not leave an animal in your home. The damage caused by an animal generally goes unseen because it happens between the walls, in the attic, or in your crawlspace. Most wild animals carry parasites or diseases that can impact your health.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution; each job requires a custom approach. Our goal is to provide safe animal removal, remediation and repair, and prevention.

We inspect every home and build a custom plan to resolve any wildlife problems which can include:

  • Humane animal trapping
  • No trap evictions
  • Direct capture
  • Wildlife repellents and deterrent techniques
  • Damage repair
  • Sanitization Agents
  • Ecoparasite treatments

Other Wildlife Control Services

Dead Animal Removal

Occasionally an animal might die on your property. The dead animal will cause a terrible smell and spread diseases. First, we remove the carcass. Second, we get rid of the smell and apply sanitization agents.

Attic Restoration

If an animal has been living in your attic, you might need to replace some or all of the insulation. Wildlife in your attic can be destructive. Raccoons, squirrels, and rats can use insulation to create nests. Animals in your attic soil insulation by defecating and urinating.

Animals Digging in Yard

Critters like skunks, opossums, armadillos, chipmunks, moles, gophers, and groundhogs create dens under your house or dig burrows throughout your property. Animal control in your yard can be time and resource intensive.

Rodent Control

Pests in your home can be a nuisance and lead to unsafe conditions. When people think of a pest problem, they usually think of termites, cockroaches, fleas, or bed bugs.

Pest control services for rodents can require an extensive process. We can remove all rodents like squirrels, chipmunks, gophers, voles, and beavers. A rat or mouse infestation can be especially invasive. Rodents breed at a rapid rate. If you start to notice signs of a rodent infestation, you need a strategic plan to control the entire population. Effective rodent pest control includes traps, bait stations, habitat modification, and exclusion tactics. To ensure your home stays rodent free, Critter Control offers affordable year-round, recurring rodent control.

An unchecked rodent population can damage your house and attract other nuisance wildlife like snakes. Nuisance wildlife can bring pests like fleas, ticks, and mites into your home. We apply treatments to exterminate those pests during our wildlife removal process.

Pest Control

Stinging insects like bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets are most active during the summer months. They can become a nuisance or danger when their nests are unavoidable. Stinging insects can build their nests inside wall cavities, in your ceiling, near doors or windows, and under roof returns.

Exterminating the pests is not an adequate solution. An abandoned nest or hive can attract other pests like roaches, ants, raccoons, and rats. When the nest is built inside your home, we have to physically remove it which can include significant carpentry skills a pest control expert might not have.

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