Pests & Nuisance Wildlife
Education Resources
Don’t let wildlife or pests take over your home.
Pests and nuisance wildlife in and around a home can be a stressful experience. Nuisance wildlife can pose health risks to you and your family, damage your home, and disrupt your daily life. Critter Control is your trusted partner in restoring peace and safety to your property.
The experts at Critter Control have spent the last four decades humanely removing animals and cleaning up the mess. These resources are some of the tools the wildlife technicians use to investigate wildlife pest problems.
Identify Animal Sounds
One of the most common complaints homeowners have about nuisance wildlife is the noise! Pests like raccoons, squirrels, and rats make a ruckus living in your attics, walls, and basements.
Identify the different animal noises to help deteremine your pest infestations.
Animal in the House
Wild animals and rodents have the same needs at people- food, water, and shelter. The house that protects you is also an ideal place for wildlife to live.
Discover the most common nuisance wildlife and the most likely place they’re living inside your home.
Animal in Duct Work
Pests, rodents, and other small animals will get inside your air ducts. The warm air venting attracts the animals like rats, birds, and bats. Once inside the vents, they can destory ductwork, contimiante them, and spread diseases.
Identify Animal Droppings
You might not see the actual pest animal in your home, but there will be evidence. Animal droppings are some of the most obvious forms of physical evidence critters like rats, mice, raccoons, and bats leave behind.
Succesfully identify animal feces can indicate what animal is in your house. From there, we can create a solution for removal.
What Animal is Living Under my House?
Critters have an uncanny knack for making their homes in less-than-ideal places. Many animals will happily make the home under the house. These critters can create dens and burrows under your porch or deck, under a shed, inside the crawlspace, or within your basement.
Wildlife Damage
Pests and nuisance wildlife will cause damage to the exterior and interior of your house. Animal damage can cause lost of power, water damage, decrease the efficiency of your insluation, or incrase the risk for house fires. Different critters cause different types of damage. Recongizing what type of damage you have can lead to properly identify the nuisance wildife or pests.
Pests and Nuisance Wildlife Gallery
Explore our critter gallery to help identify some of the most common nuisance wildlife.
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