Can Snakes Climb?

Only a few species are gifted climbers. Snakes do not stick like lizards or insects. The snake needs something to grab onto and push off of. 

How Do They Get In?

While it may seem far-fetched, snakes are able to sneak into attics and take up residence. The pests then get inside via gaps in roof eaves, open windows, holes, or vents.

Signs of a Snake in the Attic

House residents may be informed of snake presence by shed skins, droppings that contain bones and fur, and slither tracks in the dirt of yards.

What Makes Attics Attractive to Snakes?

Temperature & Prey

Though they may not seem like the ideal nesting grounds for snakes, attics offer the pests consistent temperatures and plentiful food. Since they are coldblooded, snakes need stable climates to regulate their body temperature. Attics are reliably warm and humid, which makes them attractive. Additionally, rodents, which happen to be dietary staples for the pests, often set up nests in these spaces.

Removing Snakes from Attics

Since some species of snakes are venomous and deadly, it is important for homeowners to contact professional wildlife control at the first sign of snake activity. Even non-venomous snakes can inflict painful bites on house residents. The specialists at Critter Control safely handle the pests and effectively rid homes of snakes in attics.

Learn more about snake removal.

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