Are Moles Dangerous to Humans?

Moles are insectivorous digging pests constantly searching for new sources of food. They are capable of causing extensive damage to yards but are not aggressive by nature. Since they have weak eyesight specifically designed for moving about underground, moles tend to rely on their other senses to keep them from coming in contact with predators and humans. Therefore, any human handling tends to make them feel threatened or cornered. Given their fear, moles will fight to escape, and, in doing so, often bite people with their sharp teeth.

Dangers & Symptoms

Since moles do not typically carry rabies, mole bites aren’t normally cause for concern. Still, if you have been bitten by a mole, it is important to clean and disinfect the area immediately to prevent infection. Standard side effects include redness and swelling, so these reactions should not merit panic. However, if the state of the affected area worsens over time, seek immediate medical attention. To prevent bites, avoid handling moles and contact pest professionals to eliminate infestations.

Learn more about mole removal.

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