Starlings are among our most numerous birds. Starlings are most notable for their iridescent feathers and vocal abilities, which include not only song but also the ability to mimic other birds and human speech. They gather in flocks and create aerial displays called murmurations. They build their nests in crevices such as tree cavities, but they will also build nests in your home’s vents, chimneys, eaves, and soffits. Made with leaves, grasses, and twigs, the nests are loosely woven.

Starlings are an invasive bird species and can get aggressive with other natural species in a location. Because of their large numbers, their droppings can cause health issues and costly property damage. If you see a starling nest, it could indicate an infestation. Critter Control has effective and humane methods for starling removal.

What are Starlings?

Starlings are robin-sized songbirds belonging to the Passerine order, which encompasses over half of all living birds whose commonality is having feet that can grasp when they perch. Similar to robin eggs, starling bird eggs are pale blue. There are four types of starlings in North America. The European starling is the most prominent. Less common are Asian starlings, rusty blackbirds, and the common grackle. There are estimated to be between 100 and 200 million starlings living in urban, suburban, and rural areas.

One significant starling trait is their adaptability. Able to thrive in many habitats, they are considered pests because they often damage property, homes, commercial buildings, crops, and landscaping.

  • They outcompete native birds for food and nesting spots. That often results in the diminished population of important native species.
  • They significantly damage crops when their large flocks descend upon fields of grain, fruits, and other plantings.
  • In populated areas, their droppings cause damage to roofs, siding, and vehicles.

What Damage Can Starlings Cause?

When starlings descend on a property in flocks ranging in size from one hundred to several thousand birds, the damage and health issues they cause require immediate attention.

Garden Damage

Like most birds, starlings in the garden do not eat a piece of fruit in its entirety but peck away at fruit in your yard or on your farm, damaging them all. Fruit, vegetable, and ornamental plants are most likely to be damaged by starlings in late spring and summer just as fruits are ripening. Some of their favorites include:

  • Berries
  • Grapes
  • Figs
  • Strawberries.

Nest Damage

Starlings build their nests in cavities. When cavities are unavailable in the surrounding trees, they choose those in man-made structures such as vents, chimneys, eaves, and other overhanging areas. Starling nests create damage by clogging vents, pipes, and gutters, which obstruct airflow or water flow and can become a fire or water damage hazard.

Droppings Damage

starling droppings and hole signs of starlings in attic

Starlings’ droppings contain high levels of uric acid which erodes and stains siding, paint, deck stain, sidewalks, and even vehicles. In addition, their droppings become a slippery mess and cause a fall hazard. They make your property unattractive and can ruin your ability to sit out on your patio. When starling droppings accumulate, they create an unpleasant odor.

Disease From Starling Droppings

Starling droppings are toxic and can pose serious health risks, including diseases to humans, pets, farm animals, and other animals living in the area. These diseases include:

  • Histoplasmosis
  • Cryptococcosis
  • E. Coli
  • West Nile Virus
  • Salmonella

It is imperative to use gloves and wear a mask if cleaning up starling droppings.

Starling Control

All birds are difficult to get rid of simply because you can’t catch and relocate them. They fly off and land back in the same location. Starlings, in particular, pose a difficulty because:

  • It’s a challenge to reduce the large numbers of their flocks.
  • They like to return to the same nesting area year after year.
  • Over time, starlings learn to resist some deterrents.
  • Some legal protections and regulations must be followed.

Critter Control’s wildlife professionals are fully trained in starling control and choose the most effective methods specific to your situation. Fully informed of regulations and using only humane methods to eradicate starlings, Critter Control will clean and sanitize the affected areas to protect you, your family, and your pets from any health hazards.

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