Bats like to roost in unoccupied parts of a home, such as attics, eaves, and chimneys. They can damage a home’s structure, and their guano can be a health risk for anyone living in the home. Guano can grow mold spores and produce a foul odor, which can travel through heating and air conditioning ducts and vents and into a home’s living spaces. Bats can be noisy at night when active, making it difficult for homeowners to sleep.

Removing a bat yourself is dangerous, as your attempts can put you and others at risk of being bitten or scratched and acquiring a disease that can be transmitted to humans. Due to their species’ threats, including white-nose syndrome which is killing many bats nationwide, bats are protected at the state and local levels. Due to these protections, there are legal consequences for removing them without proper methods and during the right seasons.

Critter Control is a trusted service provider with over 100 offices across the United States and Canada. It has been resolving wildlife and pest issues for over forty years. Their experts are certified and trained to provide a thorough inspection, safe and humane bat removal, exclusions, and preventions.

Signs of Bat Infestation

One of the most apparent signs of a bat infestation is bat guano, which leaves hard-to-remove stains on vinyl siding, wood, bricks, and other building materials.

Other signs of a bat infestation include:

  • The scent of ammonia.
  • Seeing a bat.
  • Strange noises.
  • Greasy rub marks.

Due to the dangers of exposure to guano, it is vital to wear a respirator when in an attic containing bats. Critter Control experts will construct a custom plan to remove the bats and safely seal your home. Our wildlife specialist will use gloves designed to handle animals and ensure the bat is safely released outdoors.

How to Get a Bat Out of Your House or Attic

Getting a bat out of your house, business, or other property can be done using various methods, including do-it-yourself (DIY) and professional techniques. Not all DIY attempts will work, but since many homeowners make some bat removal from attic attempts before calling a professional, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Professional Bat Removal Services

It is worth hiring professional bat removal services. Our specialist will use or create a bat valve specifically for your home. Once the bat valve is installed, all other entry points will be sealed, allowing bats to exit only through the valve. The removal process typically takes 3–7 days. Our specialist will perform a final attic inspection before removing the valve. After removing the valve, the final entry point will be sealed, leaving your home bat-free. Remember that many states have regulations preventing bat control during maternity season. Call a Critter Control professional for details in your state. They know the regulations regarding each bat species, ensuring you remain compliant with the laws.

Bat Exclusion

Some bats return to the same roost year after year. Preventative exclusion is best to keep bats from entering your home. Because bats are not gnawers like rodents, they only utilize existing entry points to enter your home. We practice bat exclusions not bat extermination!

While you may not want them inside your home, bats are important to the ecosystem. Bats help reduce the insect population and pollinate many flowers and crops we utilize daily. An estimated $1 billion annually can be saved in crop damage due to bats. They disperse seeds, which play a role in replanting trees and plants.

Find Service in your Area:

Bat Removal Near You.

Call Critter Control for humane bat removal. Homeowners notice strange smells, stains on the wall, or bad smells when bats roost in the attic or inside their walls. Bat are protected and require exclusion not extermination to eliminate bats from your home.

Call a Critter Control near you at 1 (800) 274-8837Click to call for local bat removal services.

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