Pest Problems in Kannapolis, NC
With a moderate climate, plenty of rain, and little snow, the Kannapolis, NC, area supports a variety wildlife. Residents often have to deal with pests on their properties or even inside their homes.
Beaver Dams near Houses
Beavers create dams in neighborhoods around Kannapolis. These pests work together to gather building materials, sometimes inflicting falling tree damage on homes and sheds. Once constructed, dams may flood yards and houses downstream.
Raccoons in the Attic
Raccoons in North Carolina can carry rabies and distemper. Spread through bites or scratches, these diseases affect humans and pets. This is one of many reasons why raccoons that move into attics are unwelcome house guests.
When looking for a safe spot to den, these clever pests will do almost anything to enter Kannapolis homes. A raccoon is strong and nimble enough to tear open vents and rip through shingles to access attics. Uncapped chimneys give raccoons a place to nest as well.
Common Wildlife Issues in this Location
- Animal Damage
- Animal Droppings
- Animal Noises
- Animal Odor Removal
- Animal Tracks in Yard
- Animals on the Roof
- Animals Under Homes & Porches
- Bats in Homes
- Bats in the Attic
- Carcass Removal from Homes
- Chimney Repairs
- Dead Animal Removal
- Humane Animal Trapping
- Mice in Walls & Attics
- Raccoon Trapping
- Raccoons in Attic
- Rats in Walls & Attics:
- Seal Animal Entry Points in Homes
- Skunk Control
- Skunk Trapping
- Skunks Under Heating Units
- Squirrel Trapping
- Squirrels in Attics
- Squirrels in Homes
- Venomous Snake Remova
Residential Services
We provide trapping & removal services for the following types of animals:
- Badger
- Bats
- Beavers
- Bees
- Birds
- Blackbirds
- Bobcat
- Chipmunks
- Coot
- Coyote
- Crows
- Deer
- Duck
- Fox
- Geese
- Gopher
- Gulls
- Hawk
- Hornets
- House Finches
- Iguana
- Lizard
- Magpies
- Marmot
- Mice
- Muskrats
- NorwayRats
- Nutria
- Opossums
- Otter
- Owl
- Pack Rats
- Peacock
- Pigeons
- Porcupine
- PrairieDog
- Rabbits
- Raccoons
- Rats
- Raven
- Roof Rats
- Shrews
- Skunks
- Snakes
- Sparrow
- Squirrels
- Starlings
- Swallows
- Turkey
- Turtle
- Voles
- Vulture
- Weasel
- Wild Hogs
- Woodchuck
- Woodpeckers
Commercial Services
- Bird Control & Municipal Animal Control