How Do Sparrows Get in the Attic?

Tiny openings near the top of a house, including vents and damaged roofs, may allow sparrows into the attic. This warm, secluded space is an ideal spot for the pests to build nests and lay eggs. Due to their size, sparrows can fit through crevices in walls, roofs, or windows as small as 3/4 of an inch, making house sparrows in the attic a common problem.

What Attracts Sparrows to Attics?

Most bird species prefer to live in high places that make it easy to take flight, search for food, and avoid predators. Lawns with birdfeeders and gardens also attract these birds. Attics are the perfect nesting grounds for sparrows to stay close to these food sources.


A few repairs can help residents avoid an infestation of sparrows in the attic. Homeowners should inspect exterior walls for gaps and cover all openings bigger than half an inch. Pieces of wire mesh or thin metal sheets are often enough to keep birds from entering.

Adding birdhouses to the yard is another tactic. While these may draw the birds away from a home, areas with high sparrow populations might still have problems. Even if a birdhouse does work, the pests may become comfortable with the location. When this occurs, residents could later find sparrows in the attic.

Control & Removal

Sparrows can carry a wide range of diseases. If cornered, these pests will flutter in a panic, possibly breaking household items and startling residents. Contact the trained experts at Critter Control for humane, professional removal of sparrows in the attic.

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