Damage Rabbits Can Do

Yard Damage

Rabbit damage to lawns and landscaping is common year-round in suburban, urban, and rural areas. When building projects replace wildlife habitats, rabbits often prefer to adjust to their new surroundings rather than leave. As a result, people may suffer losses to fruits, flowers, and other plants.

Damage to Trees

Areas with plenty of foliage provide easy meals for these animals. While eating, rabbits harm trees by stripping away bark and clipping off buds. Cold, snowy winters account for more rabbit damage to trees than warmer times of the year. A thick blanket of snow allows the pests to feed on higher branches and buries other food sources.

Rabbits in the Garden

In addition to injured trees, rabbit damage to plants and flowers occurs in gardens. These pests interfere with plantings during many stages of their growth, feeding on sprouts as well as stems, leaves, buds, petals, and mature fruits or vegetables.

Lawn Issues

The animals dig burrows in yards to create a safe haven for themselves and their babies. Rabbit damage to the lawn also happens when these pests trample plantings while looking for meals. Though not as destructive as moles, rabbits create minor problems that turn into a considerable nuisance.

Preventing Rabbits

Setting up fences and planting flowers that the pests dislike around the edges of gardens may deter rabbits that harm lawns. However, thanks to the animals’ digging abilities, it may be hard to entirely keep them out. To stop serious rabbit damage to plants and yards, call on the team at Critter Control.

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