Finding Marmot Burrows in the Yard

Marmots can be the bane of homeowners who garden or care for their lawns. These pests may cause harm to gardens, but are best known for the unsightly holes they make in yards. Used for sleeping, rearing young, and hibernating, a marmot burrow can stretch up to 65 feet long and extend five feet deep. Each burrow has one main entrance hole with a characteristic mound or fan of dirt nearby.

Problems Associated with Marmot Holes

Due to the pests’ habit of digging near trees, a marmot burrow can topple small or older vegetation. Their digging can also create tripping hazards and pose dangers to lawn care machinery or livestock. When located near ponds, tunnels accelerate flooding and erosion, while those near roads are a source of worn-down embankments. A marmot burrow also attracts rats, snakes, raccoons, and a host of other predators that can become pests in and around the home.

Prevention and Exclusion

Marmots make their homes within 100 feet of a food source. By fencing off gardens and fruit trees, property owners can discourage marmots from burrowing in their yards. Fences should be made of heavy poultry wire and extend at least three feet high and a foot below the soil. Frightening devices like scarecrows or loud music may also be an effective measure. Likewise, keeping dogs on the property is a good way to deter these digging pests. If the problem persists and marmot holes are causing damage to the property, contact the professionals at Critter Control for efficient removal services.

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