What Does Armadillo Poop Look Like?

Armadillo scat takes the form of small pellets about an inch long. What armadillo poop looks like depends on what the animal ate recently.

Their feces usually contain parts of the beetles and other insects that make up their diet. Small amounts of soil, twigs, and debris consumed while eating grubs and larvae are also visible in armadillo droppings.

Where to Find Armadillo Scat

Homeowners are most likely to notice armadillo poop around the burrows and culverts where these animals hide. Because they eat often, armadillos also leave their waste near foraging sites like flowerbeds.

Health Risks Caused by Armadillo Feces

Armadillo scat, meat, and skin may carry the bacteria that spreads leprosy. To reduce the risk of illness, people should avoid contact with the pests or their waste. Do not dig in gardens with unidentified animal poop, and stay away from armadillos in the yard.

Controlling Armadillos

Property owners can try to prevent armadillo droppings and damage to their lawns by trimming thick brush or tall grass. This eliminates hiding places and deters the pests from sticking around.

However, getting rid of these wildlife pests often requires a professional. Call Critter Control for reliable armadillo removal.

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