How to Identify Goose Droppings

Geese are very comfortable living in areas with high levels of human activity, such as parks, farms, and private properties. Since the pests defecate roughly every 20 minutes, their fecal matter accumulates quickly. Goose droppings are tubular in shape and may be a range of colors, including green, white, or dark brown. In addition to soiling sidewalks and being aesthetically displeasing, their feces contain pathogens and contribute to the spread of diseases like E. coli, listeria, salmonella, and giardia. Goose droppings also contaminate water sources.

Getting Rid of Geese and Their Droppings

Finding goose droppings is a sure sign that an infestation is nearby. Since the presence of the pests puts residents at higher risk of contracting diseases and damages foliage, property owners should contact professional wildlife control as soon as they notice accumulations of feces. Whether the geese are making home in yards, pools, or gardens, the professionals at Critter Control keep residents safe by removing the pests and cleaning up goose droppings.

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