Identifying Prairie Dog Poop

Prairie dogs spend a lot of time in their underground burrows. These tunnel systems often have several openings and chambers for nesting as well as places to expel waste. As such, prairie dog scat is not typically seen aboveground.

In addition to tracks and freshly disturbed dirt, prairie dog poop sometimes marks burrow entrances. Property owners should look for small, oblong pellets that are light to dark brown in color.


While prairie dog feces doesn’t spread disease, it’s still undesirable to see in yards. It’s also a sign that infestations have grown out of control.

Prairie dog grazing and burrow entrances both have a negative impact on landscaping. The pests are also known carriers of plague, which can be spread via the fleas that live in their fur.

Controlling Prairie Dogs

Aside from toxicants, which are hazardous to people’s health, fencing is one of the only viable control options for prairie dogs. However, fences must be buried far into the ground and extend high above the surface to be effective.

It’s best to leave control to the professionals. Homeowners who notice prairie dog poop on their lawn should contact Critter Control to handle removal.

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