What Do Coyote Droppings Look Like?

Coyote droppings vary greatly in size, although on average they measure between three and four inches long and are about one inch in diameter. The color and consistency of coyote scat depends on the diet of the pest. Coyotes that primarily feed on livestock and other animals will produce dark, soft scat that contains fur and bones. Those that consume a lot of fruit will produce crumbly droppings that are lighter in color.


Since coyotes use the placement of their excrement to mark territory and communicate with others, finding coyote droppings typically means a small group has taken up residence nearby. Coyotes tend to avoid human contact, but they still cause several issues, such as preying on pets, when they live in close proximity to people. Furthermore, the presence of coyote scat contributes to the spread of diseases like distemper and parvo, and coyotes can carry fleas, mites, fluke worms, tapeworms, and heartworms.

Control & Removal

As improper handling of feces can result in disease transmission, property owners should not clean up coyote droppings unless they take the proper safety precautions such as wearing gloves and masks. Additionally, encroaching on a coyote’s territory can make the animal aggressive and lead to injury. Individuals who find coyote droppings in their yards should contact the professional wildlife removal specialists at Critter Control to remove the pests and sanitize the affected area.

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