We suspected a homeowner in Chesapeake might have a fox on her property. She found dead mice, moles, and rabbits in your yard. Foxes are nocturnal creatures. These foxes made their den under a deck of a home in Chesapeake. Catching a fox can be tricky because a fox’s territory could be up to 2 or 3 square miles. We set up a wildlife game camera to confirm a fox was in her yard. We found three foxes under the shed!
Even though foxes do not live trap well, our Critter Control of Virginia Beach technicians were successful in removing them. After the fox removal, we dug a trench a foot deep and secured a metal mesh in the ground and to the deck to stop this from happening in the future.
Although the hunting and trapping of foxes is often regulated by state or local law, Critter Control technicians are certified wildlife specialists with the knowledge and tools to get rid of your fox problem safely and properly. We practice humane fox removal techniques that ensure a safe and effective solution to your fox issue. In addition to knowing how to identify foxes and prevent future fox damage, our professional technicians are trained in fox trapping, fox removal, and fox control.
To keep foxes out of the yard, residents must remove anything that might attract the pests. This includes keeping cats indoors at night, closely supervising small dogs at all times, sealing crawlspaces under porches and decks, adequately protecting livestock, and never leaving food out for other animals to eat.