The densley populated cities in South Florida like Miami and Ft. Lauderdale have an abundance of waste and food that attracts rodents like rats and mice. In addition to being unsightly and alarming, rats and mice negatively impact human health and are costly house guests.

Signs of a Rat Infestation

Mice are small, furry rodents with long, hairless tails, relatively large ears, and small eyes. They are found in a variety of colors, most commonly gray and brown. Miami homeowners may be alerted to rodents’ presence in several ways, including hearing noises from the attic and within walls or finding their poop throughout the home. Scratching sounds are likely to be heard at night and droppings are typically located close to baseboards and walls, where mice travel most.

The roof rat is the predominant species of rodent in South Florida. Otherwise known as black rats, these pests prefer to be high above the ground in fruit trees, roofs, and attics. Familiar signs of roof rats in the home include droppings, grease marks on ceilings and walls, and scratching noises. If the infestation is large enough, residents may even see the pests themselves. These rats are typically around a foot long, with tails longer than their bodies, and can range in color from dark brown or gray to black.

Problems Caused by Rats in South Florida

Mice can spread Hantavirus, salmonellosis, and other diseases through direct contact with their waste or indirectly via ticks and fleas that migrate from their fur into homes. In addition to spreading illness, mice also destroy woodwork and furniture, which can lead to expensive repairs. To effectively address unwelcome mouse infestations in Fort Lauderdale, it is recommended that homeowners contact the professionals at Critter Control.

Since roof rats are excellent climbers, they can access attic spaces with relative ease. Once inside, these pests will gnaw on wood supports, tear up insulation to build their nests, and make constant chewing and squeaking sounds. A female roof rat can have up to eight litters a year, with six to eight young each time. This makes rat problems difficult to control.

Residential Rat Control

Rats can carry various parasites and spread disease with their bites. At the first sign of an infestation, contact the trained professionals at Critter Control. Our wildlife removal experts have the tools and training to safely and effectively eliminate rats from Fort Lauderdale homes.
