Critter Control Wildlife Removal Process
Exclusion and Repair
Raccoons are intelligent and agile mammals who adapt well to living amongst people. Known to eat almost anything from resident trash cans as well as pet food, they find home attics, chimneys, and crawl spaces comfortable with easy access to ongoing meals.
Raccoons have the potential to carry rabies and other diseases and can become quite aggressive when confronted, especially if they are protecting their kits which are born between March and April.
During the inspection, we determine the severity of the raccoon infestation. We look for physical evidence like footprints in or around the home, stains from raccoon feces and urine. On the exterior of the house, we look for damage like scratches on boards, broken vents and screens, ripped apart shingles, destroyed soffits, and every possible entry point.
Raccoon Trapping
Rodents such as rats and mice are extremely adaptable and fearless animals. Adept at climbing, jumping, and even swimming, they are the most common nuisance species in U.S. cities. They eat our food, nest in our homes, and reproduce profusely.
In addition to their ability to cause expensive damage in homes and businesses, they carry harmful diseases and parasites. Crawling through extensive pathways at night to get to food pantries, a home could have quite an infestation by the time one is seen.
During a rodent inspection, we thoroughly inspect your attic and provide a complete exterior home inspection. The most common signs of rodent activity are gnaw marks, feces, rub marks, nesting material, runs in insulation material, and small entry points.
Rodent Trapping
Squirrels are herbivores living on nuts, fruits, and seeds. While they tend to store their nuts in the ground, they like to be high up in trees where they are safer from predators.
Like other rodents, squirrels have large front teeth that never stop growing. While this is ideal for opening nutshells, it can translate into extensive damage for homeowners or business owners who have squirrels in their attic, chimney, or basement.
Wildlife specialists look for signs such as chewing on, in, or around your home, small openings leading to the attic or the crawl space, droppings, and debris like nuts or nesting material. Beams, wires, pipes, and insulation may all show signs of damage from squirrels.
Squirrel Trapping
Big brown, little brown, and Brazilian Free-tailed bats are a few of the most common bats in Colorado. All three of these species are insectivorous, consuming a diverse and enormous amount of insects each night. All three roost in colonies, giving birth to one (sometimes twins) pup in the spring. The little brown bat is an endangered species and protected by the endangered Species Act.
While beneficial to the environment, they are considered a nuisance when they roost in buildings because of their potential to spread disease and parasites.
We perform a full interior and exterior inspection and search for signs such as rub marks, guano, a strong scent of ammonia, and small openings. The most common sign is the accumulation of guano (feces).
Bat Removal
Finding a snake in your house can be very surprising. Of the twenty five snake species in Colorado, only three are venomous — the Western Diamondback rattlesnake, the Prairie ratttlesnake, and the Massagauga rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes bites are rare.
A snake in your house is a clear indicator of a rodent problems. Snakes enter homes either for shelter from the weather or to hunt for food.
Snakes are excellent at avoiding detection. We inspect your home for potential entry points and look for signs like snake skin and feces. Because a snake typically enters a home hunting for food, our wildlife inspector also looks for signs of a rodent infestation.
Removal & Control
Depending on the location, we can set a live trap or direct capture. Exclusion is the most effective way to keep snakes out of your home. If rodents are present, it is essential to exterminate the rodent infestation. Their presence will continue to attract snakes.
In addition to dealing with any possible rodent problem drawing snakes to your property, a specialist will assist with sealing possible entry points and also encourage you to remove any debris where snakes can easily take up residence.