Identifying Woodpecker Damage

Woodpeckers are the root of both costly damage to houses and noisy disruptions for residents. Homeowners should look for chipped paint, dents, and holes along siding, trim, chimneys, and near fences. Hearing repeated pecking is also a clear indicator of woodpecker infestations.

Why Woodpeckers Damage Homes

Woodpeckers drill holes in wooden structures for a number of reasons. Houses with wooden exteriors present ideal surfaces for drumming, feeding, and nesting. Known for their constant and annoying pecking, the pests use this tapping for mating calls. They also drill holes when searching for insects to eat. Lastly, woodpeckers create hollow holes in buildings to seek warmth and avoid predators.

Prevention & Removal

To deter woodpeckers from homes, individuals can use motion-detector sou nd machines placed in areas commonly inhabited by the pests. Also, setting up netting at least three inches away from homes can prevent drilling and drumming. Overall, repairing homes damaged by woodpeckers can get expensive. To best avoid any problems, contact Critter Control wildlife specialists to handle infestations and prevent woodpecker damage to the home.

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