Birds are among the most common real estate pests that create trouble for property owners. When they roost on buildings, their presence can lead to health hazards, structural damage, and slip and fall risks. Because of these issues, bird control for high-rises is a must.

The Most Common Places Birds Roost on Buildings

Birds are naturally attracted to buildings because of their various roosting opportunities, including:

  • Ledges: These are flat, horizontal areas that often provide a protected place to nest. Because of their stability and vantage point, they make a desirable place for resting and roosting.
  • Parapets: These are the raised edges that run along the rooftops, acting like convenient perches for birds. They often stand higher than the rest of the building and offer a safe place to rest where the birds are unlikely to be disturbed.
  • Signage: Large commercial signs, especially those with flat horizontal surfaces or hollow areas, are inviting roosting places. These signs can protect the birds from the environment and land-based predators.
  • Roofs: Large and mostly undisturbed, these areas are perfect for birds to nest and rest. HVAC machinery, vents, and other equipment on roofs provide plenty of crevices and crannies — perfect for the birds to build their nests in.

Why Are Birds on Buildings a Problem?

Despite their seemingly harmless nature, birds on buildings pose a real problem in multiple ways:

  • Health concerns due to bird droppings: Bird droppings can carry various diseases that threaten occupants’ health, such as histoplasmosis, salmonella, and psittacosis. These droppings may also contaminate HVAC systems and spread throughout the building.
  • Slip and fall hazards: Droppings can make walkways, entryways, and similar areas slippery. This is not only dangerous but also opens liability issues for property owners.
  • Nesting debris and building damage: Birds’ nesting materials could block drains, vents, and HVAC systems, causing issues with water drainage and air quality. The acidity of bird droppings may also corrode building materials, including stone, metal, and concrete, causing long-term structural damage.
Bird Control Skyscraper

Professional Bird Control Solutions

The practice of trapping or killing birds is often not only impractical but, in most jurisdictions, is also illegal. However, that does not mean there aren’t solutions to the problem. Bird control solutions, often working to exclude or deter the creatures, vary based on the location of the infestation, but may include:

  • Bird netting – high-tension steel cables and turnbuckles that create an exclusion material to prevent birds from landing or roosting on ledges.
  • Bird electric track – a flexible and UV-stabilized material adhered to the ledge to deter birds humanely by delivering a mild electrical sensation.
  • Bird slide – an angled product that raises the surface pitch to 45 degrees and makes it impossible for birds to land or roost.
  • Bird wire – a series of spring-tensioned wires supported by stainless-steel posts that create an unstable surface that discourages birds from perching.
  • Bird gel – a multi-sensory deterrent applied directly or in dishes that repels birds. They modify their behavior to avoid treated areas.
  • Bird spikes – made up of rows of spikes attached to ledges prevent birds from roosting by making the surface inhospitable.
  • Bird hazing – a mist or vapor repellent made with grape-seed oil extract that deters birds from settling.


If the bird problem occurs on the ledges of the building, possible solutions may include:

  • Bird netting
  • Bird electric track
  • Bird slide
  • Bird wire
  • Bird gel
  • Bird spikes


Bird infestations along parapets may require these solutions:

  • Bird netting
  • Bird electric track
  • Bird wire
  • Bird gel


Commercial signs require a tailored solution to keep birds out without affecting the display. Possible commercial bird control solutions may include:

  • Bird electric track
  • Bird spikes
  • Bird netting


If the problem is exclusive to the rooftops, strategies may include:

  • Bird netting
  • Bird hazing
  • Bird trapping
  • Custom metal work

Bird Control for Skyscrapers

Controlling birds on skyscrapers presents a handful of unique challenges that demand specialized expertise. High elevations make it difficult to reach roosting sites on ledges and rooftops, often requiring special equipment such as lift systems, scaffolding, or drones to work safely. Working at these extreme heights is dangerous, so it’s important to leave this job to the properly trained professionals who use safety gear.

Skyscrapers may attract different birds that require different solutions, so professional know-how is a must. For example, pigeons may take a liking to ledges, whereas seagulls prefer rooftop areas. Effective bird deterrents for high rises should be custom fit to the specific species’ roosting habits and the respective architectural features of each building.

Hire Critter Control for Bird Control for High-Rises

Bird control for high-rise buildings isn’t easy. These buildings present out-of-the-box challenges that demand professional bird control services. For the huge spaces that demand protection, the staggering heights that present safety risks, and the specialized equipment necessary for an effective control strategy, it’s important to call in the pros.

With years of experience in providing custom bird control for government buildings, high-rise buildings, skyscrapers, and more, our team at Critter Control can design a professional, humane, and effective solution. Let us help you protect your building and keep pest birds at bay.