Hornet control is essential if you have a nest on your property. Hornets are an aggressive type of wasp that delivers a painful sting when threatened. And, unlike bees, hornets can sting multiple times. They are related to yellow jackets and look similar with their yellow and black markings and typical constricted waist. Generally, hornets are larger with a decisively larger head.

Like all living creatures, hornets look for environments that provide shelter, food, and water. If you have a healthy insect population on your property and have trees, sheds, eaves, and an attic that could provide a sheltered and undisturbed spot for a nest, you might attract hornets. Since hornets are hostile, with sting reactions ranging from pain and swelling to difficulty breathing if one is allergic or stung many times, call Critter Control immediately for hornet nest removal services.

How Professionals Remove Hornets

Professionals will use various methods for hornet nest removal that depend upon the species of hornet, the size of the nest, its location, and the time of year. A Critter Control specialist will first inspect your home and property to assess the situation and then create a custom solution for their removal and provide you with an estimate. The estimate will also include repairs of any exterior or interior damage the hornets caused.

Removing a hornet’s nest on your own is ill-advised, as their stings are intense and could result in a serious medical reaction. In addition, the chemicals needed to eradicate hornets can be toxic.

Signs of a Hornet Infestation

The first signs of a hornet infestation are usually seeing hornets flying around your property or finding hornets in your home. If you’re seeing even a few hornets, it’s time to look for these other signs:

  • A large egg-shaped nest that looks like it’s made of paper. You will usually find nests attached to a tree, bush, under eaves, in your attic, or even in a wall cavity.
  • Lots of buzzing in a specific location of your yard can be a sign of a nest nearby. It is common to hear them before you find the nest.
  • Damage to wood on your porch, deck, fencing, or house siding is a sign that hornets are chewing at the wood to make the pulp for their nest.
  • Dark spots on or within your walls signal that hornets may be building a nest in a hollow wall space. European hornets especially prefer to build their nests in dark places like walls or attics.

Hornet Trapping

Hornet nest removal on your own is risky because of how aggressive they are and the potential serious side effects of their stings.

Hornet traps are available online and at retail stores and are effective at lowering their population but not eliminating it. Some homeowners make their own traps with a plastic soda bottle, sugar water, or dish soap. Both store-bought or homemade traps should be placed or hung in an area where hornet activity is high. The hornets are attracted by the sweet liquid and will enter the bottle but won’t be able to fly out again.

How to remove hornets on your own should include a great deal of precaution as you’ll want to put your traps away from family traffic to avoid stings. Also of note is that the sugary bait might have the opposite effect of attracting more hornets instead of getting rid of them.

Critter Control has over 40 years of experience getting rid of all kinds of infestations, including hornets.

Hornet Control and Prevention

Hornets will not use the same nest from year to year, but if the location is prime for hornet life, they could return to the same area and build a new nest. That is why it’s imperative to use exclusion methods to make your property less attractive to them. Here’s how:

  • Seal cracks and gaps in walls, eaves, and vents to prevent hornets from being able to enter your home.
  • Inspect your yard regularly in the spring season for nest-building activity.
  • Reduce sources of food for them by keeping trash and compost bins sealed tightly. In addition, clean up promptly after cooking and eating outdoors to avoid attracting hornets.
  • Add a fake hornet nest to your yard. You can make one using a stuffed brown paper bag and hanging it from a branch or shed. Hornets are territorial and will not build a nest in another hornet’s territory.
  • Keep trees and bushes well-trimmed to eliminate potential nesting sites and clean up any rotted wood around your yard, as it makes great nest-building material.
  • Minimize standing water on your property. Hornets utilize water to build their nests.

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Critter Control hornet removal can get rid of hornet nest and hornet problems through effective hornet control and hornet removal solutions. Our experts know how to get rid of hornets and eliminate hornet problems.

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