Louisiana has the perfect weather for wildlife, with high humidity and more hot days than cold. Swamps, the Mississippi River, lakes, ponds, and creeks keep our wildlife thriving. The problem is that the more we develop New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and other cities, the fewer “wild” places animals have to live. So, they started searching for shelter in our neighborhoods. Louisiana considers wildlife a nuisance when they persistently annoy or threaten property owners or if they cause property damage.
Here are some photos I took from the field.
Raccoons Inside the Home

Raccoons on the Roof

Raccoons in Yard
Squirrels in New Orleans and Baton Rouge
Juvenile Wildlife Removal
Opposums and Armadillos
Stinging Insect Control & Beehive Removal
Critter Control in Louisiana Staff Photos
All photos were provided by Brett Vreeland, district manager in Louisiana.